Green Man - Medieval Reproduction oak Carving - Lincoln Cathedral

Viking Thor’s Hammer.


A brand new Viking collection for the serious collector. Hand made exclusively by Oakapple Designs from an original carving of our own design from our Sculptor.

Product Description

Thor’s Hammer – Viking Icelandic Crucifix.

This reproduction is from our new Viking collection, hand crafted and made exclusively by ourselves here in our UK based workshop. Cast in a resin composite and produced in a mould taken directly from a carving done by our sculptor, it captures all the fine detail found in the original carving.

This design has been inspired from an original Thor’s Hammer found in Iceland. This is a very unique example of the Hammer as it was produced during the transition period as the Vikings converted from their pagan origins to the following and conversion of Christianity. The design is still a hammer but is distinctively based around the cross of the crucifix. A blend of both religions and culture the cross and the hammer with a dragons head at the base.

Reproduced here in a Natural Wood effect colour and finish.

Size is approx. 6 inch.


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